
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2011 Jun 1;67(Pt 6):m700. doi: 10.1107/S1600536811014395. Epub 2011 May 7.


The title compound, di-μ-chlorido-dichlorido-1κ(2)Cl-tetra-kis-(tetra-hydro-furan)-1κ(2)O,2κ(2)O-lithiumytterbium(III), [LiYbCl(4)(C(4)H(8)O)(4)], was prepared by the reaction of YbCl(3)(THF)(3) with LiCl in THF (THF is tetra-hydro-furan). The central motif of the structure is a Yb(μ-Cl)(2)Li ring. The Yb atom is hexa-coordinated to four Cl atoms and two THF mol-ecules oriented in a trans fashion. The Li atom has a tetra-hedral environment and is coordinated to two Cl atoms and two THF mol-ecules. No inter-molecular inter-actions other than van der Waals forces were observed. Two of the THF mol-ecules are disordered over two positions.