Noteworthy idioblastic sclereids in the stems of Eulychnia (Cactaceae)

Am J Bot. 1997 Sep;84(9):1192.


Stems of Eulychnia (a genus of six to nine species of candelabriform or arborescent cacti) have a parenchymatic cortex with two distinct regions. The outer chlorenchymatic layer is characterized by a conspicuous parallel striping, whereas the inner cortex region devoid of chlorophyll has a coarsely granular aspect. Stem samples from nine accessions, collected in the field or taken from cultivation, were studied from resin-embedded microtome sections and maceration. Two different forms of lignified sclereids were found dispersed in the cortex and the pith. The sclereids of the outer palisade-like cortex layer are distinctly elongated and strictly oriented at right angle to the stem surface, whereas those of the inner cortex and pith are globular or subglobular and conspicuously enlarged compared with the surrounding parenchyma cells. The ontogeny of the sclereids was studied from stem samples of different ages. Formation of the secondary cell walls starts only after cell growth is completed. A screening of numerous South American cacti for the presence of idioblastic sclereids showed that these structures are unique for the genus Eulychnia. Finally, functional aspects of the sclereids are shortly discussed. It is assumed that the sclereids contribute to the mechanical support and reinforcement of the plants.