Tris(2-chloro-benz-yl)(1H-1,2,4-triazole-5-thiol-ato-κS)tin(IV)-tris-(2-chloro-benz-yl)(4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol-ato-κS)tin(IV) (1/1)

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2010 Aug 11;66(Pt 9):m1064. doi: 10.1107/S160053681003076X.


Tris(2-chloro-benz-yl)tin hydroxide condenses with 3-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole to form the 1:1 cocrystal of the title compound, [Sn(C(7)H(6)Cl)(3)(C(2)H(2)N(3)S)]. The asymmetric unit contains two mol-ecules which differ only in the position of the nitro-gen-bound H atom of the triazole ring; one mol-ecule is linked to the other mol-ecule by an N-H⋯N hydrogen bond. In the second mol-ecule, two of the chloro-benzyl units are disordered over two positions in a 0.73 (1):0.27 (1) ratio. The Sn atom in both mol-ecules shows a distorted tetra-hedral SnSC(3) coordination.