
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 Apr 25;65(Pt 5):m577. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809012252.


Each of the Al atoms in the title compound, [Al(2)(CH(3))(5)(C(15)H(15)FNO)], is four-coordinated in a distorted tetra-hedral geometry. The dimethyl-aluminium centre is bound by the N and the O atoms of the (2-dimethyl-amino-phen-yl)(2-fluoro-phen-yl)methano-late ligand. The second Al atom is bound by the methano-late O atom and by three methyl C atoms. The crystal studied was a racemic twin with a 0.4 (2):0.6 (2) domain ratio.