
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 May 14;65(Pt 6):m636. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809016535.


In the title compound, [PtCl(4)(C(14)H(11)N)(2)], the Pt atom lies on an inversion center and has a distorted octa-hedral environment. The main geometric parameters are Pt-N = 1.960 (5) Å, and Pt-Cl = 2.3177 (12) and 2.3196 (12) Å. The N C bond is a typical triple bond [1.137 (7) Å]. The Pt-N C-C unit is almost linear, with Pt-N-C and N-C-C angles of 174.6 (4) and 177.1 (6)°, respectively.