Bis(acetato-κO)bis-(μ(3)-quinolin-8-olato-κN,O:O:O)tetra-kis(μ(2)-quinolin-8-olato-κN,O:O)tetra-zinc(II) dihydrate

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 Jun 6;65(Pt 7):m712-3. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809020157.


In the centrosymmetric title compound, [Zn(4)(C(9)H(6)NO)(6)(C(2)H(3)O(2))(2)]·2H(2)O, the Zn(II) atom that is bonded to one O atom of the acetate group is chelated by a quinolin-8-olate anion. This Zn atom is also bonded to the oxide O atoms of two other quinolin-8-olate anions, which themselves engage in chelation to the other Zn(II) atoms. The Zn(II) atom is five-coordinate in a square-pyramidal coordination geometry. The second Zn(II) atom is six-coordinate as it is linked to two oxide O atoms of the anions that chelate to the acetate-bound metal atom, and is chelated by two quinolin-8-olate ligands. The uncoordinated water mol-ecule is disordered over two positions in a 4:1 ratio. O-H⋯O hydrogen bonds between the water molecules and the free O atoms of the carboxylate groups consolidate the crystal packing.