(Benzonitrile-κN)chlorido[hydrido-tris(pyrazol-1-yl-κN)borato](triphenyl-phosphine-κP)ruthenium(II) ethanol solvate

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 Mar 25;65(Pt 4):m438. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809010265.


The reaction of [Ru(C(9)H(10)BN(6))Cl(C(18)H(15)P)(2)] with benzo-nitrile leads to crystals of the title compound, [Ru(C(9)H(10)BN(6))Cl(C(18)H(15)P)(C(7)H(5)N)]·C(2)H(5)OH. In the crystal structure, the environment about the ruthenium metal center corresponds to a slightly distorted octa-hedron with an average N-Ru-N bite angle of the Tp ligand of 86.6 (2)°.