
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2008 Nov 26;64(Pt 12):m1624. doi: 10.1107/S160053680803907X.


The complete mol-ecule of the title compound, [CdFe(2)(C(5)H(5))(2)(C(12)H(8)O(2))(2)(CH(4)O)(4)], is generated by crystallographic twofold symmetry, with the Cd atom lying on the rotation axis. The Cd atom is coordinated by the O atoms of the four methanol mol-ecules and by the O atoms of the two carboxyl-ate anions (the latter in cis geometry), resulting in a distorted CdO(6) octa-hedron. The phenyl-ene ring is almost coplanar with its adjacent cyclo-penta-dienyl ring [dihedral angle = 8.2 (2)°]. The uncoordin-ated carboxyl-ate O atom acts as acceptor to two O-H⋯O hydrogen bonds from the methanol mol-ecules, giving rise to a layered network.