
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2010 Feb 13;66(Pt 3):m299-300. doi: 10.1107/S1600536810005489.


In the title compound, [Mo(C(5)HF(6)O(2))(3)], the unit cell is built up by three independent Mo(III) atoms located on two different threefold axes. The three independent mol-ecules are roughly identical and each Mo(III) atom is surrounded by three chelating hexa-fluoro-acetonate ligands in a three-bladed propeller-like arrangement, as observed in related compounds with acetyl-acetonate-type ligands. The structure of the title compound is very similar to the trigonal form of the Cr(III) analogue. However, the latter crystallizes in a higher-symmetry space group, Pc1. Both crystals are twinned by merohedry with the same twin law (0/010/00) in reciprocal space, but the symmetry of the Laue group in which it operates is different, to m for the title complex, and m to 6/mmm for the Cr(III) complex.