
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2010 Feb 3;66(Pt 3):m248. doi: 10.1107/S1600536810003338.


In the title complex, [Co(C(16)H(15)N(2)O)(C(10)H(9)O(2))(N(3))], the Co(II) atom adopts an octa-hedral coordination geometry by a tridentate Schiff base, a bidentate benzoyl-acetonate and an azide ligand. The imine N atom of the tridentate ligand is trans to the benzoyl O atom of the bidentate ligand and the azide ligand is trans to the acetyl O atom of the bidentate ligand. Non-classical intra-molecular C(ar-yl)-H⋯O hydrogen bonds are present in the structure.