catena-Poly[[[diaqua-sodium]-di-μ-aqua] 2-(2-pyrid-yl)quinoline-4-carboxyl-ate]

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2010 Jan 9;66(Pt 2):m113. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809053999.


In the title compound, [Na(H(2)O)(4)](C(15)H(9)N(2)O(2)), the Na(+) ion is coordinated by six water mol-ecules in an octa-hedral geometry. The NaO(6) octa-hedra are connected by sharing edges, forming a cationic chain along the b-axis direction. O-H⋯O and O-H⋯N hydrogen bonds link the chains and the 2-(2-pyrid-yl)quinoline-4-carboxyl-ate anions into a two-dimensional network parallel to (100).