
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2010 May 12;66(Pt 6):m636. doi: 10.1107/S160053681001634X.


The title compound, [Co(C(30)H(23)O(2)P(2))(C(3)H(9)P)(2)], was synthesized by the addition of a Co(PMe(3))(4) solution to (PPh(2)O)(2)C(6)H(4). The Co(I) atom displays a trigonal-bipyramidal geometry with the two P atoms of the 'PCP' pincer ligand and the P atom of one of the trimethyl phosphine ligands forming the basal plane, whereas the metalated C atom and the P atom of the second phospine ligand occupy the apical sites. The Co-C distance is 1.961 (2) Å and the C-Co-P angle is 171.96 (6)°.