Tetra-aqua-bis(nicotinamide-κN)nickel(II) bis-(2-fluoro-benzoate)

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 Oct 10;65(Pt 11):m1330-1. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809040392.


The asymmetric unit of the title complex, [Ni(C(6)H(6)N(2)O)(2)(H(2)O)(4)](C(7)H(4)FO(2))(2), contains one-half of the complex cation with the Ni(II) atom located on an inversion center, and a 2-fluoro-benzoate (FB) counter-anion. The four O atoms in the equatorial plane around the Ni atom form a slightly distorted square-planar arrangement with an average Ni-O bond length of 2.079 Å, and the slightly distorted octa-hedral coordination is completed by the two N atoms of the nicotinamide (NA) ligands in the axial positions. The dihedral angle between the carboxyl group and the attached benzene ring is 28.28 (11)°, while the pyridine and benzene rings are oriented at a dihedral angle of 8.31 (4)°. In the crystal structure, O-H⋯O, N-H⋯O, C-H⋯O, and C-H⋯F hydrogen bonds link the mol-ecules into a three-dimensional network. π-π Contacts between the pyridine and benzene rings [centroid-centroid distance = 3.626 (1) Å] may further stabilize the crystal structure. The 2-fluoro-benzoate anion is disordered over two orientations, with an occupancy ratio of 0.85:0.15.