
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 Aug 19;65(Pt 9):m1103-4. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809032255.


In the title tetra-nuclear tin(IV) complex, [Sn(4)(CH(3))(8)(C(20)H(22)N(2)O(4))Cl(2)O(2)], there are three completely different tin-atom coordinations. One metal atom (site symmetry 2) adopts a distorted penta-gonal-bipyramidal SnC(2)N(2)O(3) coordination arising from the N,N',O,O'-tetra-dentate deprotonated Schiff base, two methyl groups in the axial sites and a μ(3)-O atom that also bonds to two further Sn atoms. Two symmetry-equivalent Sn atoms adopt very distorted SnC(2)O(4) arrangements that could be described as penta-gonal-bipyramidal with one equatorial vertex missing and the C atoms in the axial site. The final Sn atom (site symmetry 2) adopts an SnC(2)Cl(2)O trigonal-bipyramidal arrangement, with Cl atoms in the axial sites. As well as the two Sn atoms, one O atom lies on a twofold rotation rotation axis, and another is disordered about the axis. The terminal eth-oxy group is disordered over two sets of sites with equal occupancy.