
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 Aug 15;65(Pt 9):m1074. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809031717.


In the title compound, [Mo(4)O(12)(C(8)H(7)N(3))(4)], the Mo(VI) ion has a distorted octa-hedral coordination completed by two terminal O atoms, two μ-oxide atoms and two N atoms from one 3-(2-pyrid-yl)-1H-pyrazole ligand. It is noteworthy that in the tetranuclear unit ( symmetry), any three Mo(VI) atoms define a plane, and the fourth lies 1.8 (1) Å out of that plane. The degree of linearity of the oxide bridges between two Mo atoms is 175.38 (13)°. Moreover, the N-H group forms an intra-molecular hydrogen bond (four per mol-ecule).