
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 Aug 8;65(Pt 9):m1028. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809029997.


The monoclinic title complex, [PtI(2)(C(8)H(12))], characterized by a twisted cyclo-octa-diene ring, is similar to its Cl and Br ortho-rhom-bic homologues. The observed Pt-I bond distances of 2.6094 (5) and 2.6130 (5) Å are in the expected range for PtI(2) complexes. The C=C double bonds in the mol-ecule differ significantly [1.373 (10) and 1.403 (10) Å]. As expected for a platinum(II) complex, the Pt(II) atom is in a square-planar environment (ΣPt(α)= 359.71°).