Phase retrieval in quantitative x-ray microtomography with a single sample-to-detector distance

Opt Lett. 2011 May 1;36(9):1719-21. doi: 10.1364/OL.36.001719.


Phase retrieval extracts quantitative phase information from x-ray propagation-based phase-contrast images. Notwithstanding inherent approximations, phase retrieval using a single sample-to-detector distance (SDD) is very attractive, because it imposes no setup complications or additional radiation dose compared to absorption-based imaging. Considering the phase-attenuation duality (ε=δ/β, where ε is constant), a simple absorption correction factor is proposed for the modified Bronnikov algorithm in x-ray propagation-based phase-contrast computed tomography (PPCT). Moreover, a practical method for calculating the optimal ε value is proposed, which requires no prior knowledge of the sample. Tests performed on simulation and experimental data successfully distinguished different materials in a quasihomogeneous and weakly absorbing sample from a single SDD-PPCT data point.