Nickel bis-muth boride, Ni(23-x)Bi(x)B(6) [x = 2.44 (1)]

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2011 Jan 15;67(Pt 2):i17. doi: 10.1107/S1600536811000894.


The τ-boride Ni(23-x)Bi(x)B(6) [x = 2.44 (1)] adopts a ternary variant of the cubic Cr(23)C(6)-type structure, with Ni(8) cubes and Ni(12) cubocta-hedra arranged in a NaCl-type pattern. Two of the four independent metal sites (8c, 3m symmetry; 4a, mm symmetry) are occupied by a mixture of Ni and Bi atoms in a 0.106 (6):0.894 (6) and a 0.350 (7):0.650 (7) ratio, respectively.