The Origins of the History and Physical Examination

In: Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition. Boston: Butterworths; 1990. Chapter 1.


Ten individuals are responsible for the development of modern physical diagnosis: Hippocrates, Vesalius, Morgagni, Sydenham, Auenbrugger, Corvisart, Laennec, Louis, Mueller, and Osler. Their accomplishments form a "golden thread [that runs] throughout the history of the world, consecutive and continuous, the work of the best men in successive ages" (Moxon, quoted by William Osler). The pool of information presented in this book has been created by the scholarship of these ten men. They were physicians going about the daily practice of medicine. The story of their achievements serves to stimulate the spirit of inquiry in each of us and underscores the obligation we have to add to this pool of knowledge. This chapter traces the historical evolution of modern clinical diagnosis. Knowledge of this evolution provides the student with a foundation upon which to build mastery of the art and science of diagnosis.

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