
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2008 May 3;64(Pt 6):m754. doi: 10.1107/S1600536808008301.


In the title compound, [RuCl(2)(C(16)H(32)P(2))(2)], the Ru(II) ion is situated on a twofold rotation axis, so the asymmetric unit contains one half-mol-ecule. The slightly distorted octa-hedral environment of the Ru center is formed by four P atoms [Ru-P = 2.4417 (6) and 2.4544 (6) Å] from two different (1S,1S',2R,2R')-TangPhos ligands [(1S,1S',2R,2R')-TangPhos = (1S,1S',2R,2R')-(+)-1,1'-di-tert-butyl-2,2'-diphospho-lane] and two Cl atoms [Ru-Cl = 2.4267 (5) Å].