
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2008 Sep 20;64(Pt 10):o1976. doi: 10.1107/S1600536808029899.


The title benzamide derivative, C(14)H(12)ClNO(2), crystallizes with two independent mol-ecules in the asymmetric unit. Both are close to being planar, with dihedral angles between the two benzene rings of 11.92 (6) and 12.80 (7)°. In the crystal structure, N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds link mol-ecules into chains along a. These inter-actions are augmented by C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds to form two-dimensional layers in the ac plane. Additional C-H⋯O inter-actions result in a three-dimensional network consisting of undulating rows along c. The crystal studied was an inversion twin with a 0.59 (3):0.41 (3) domain ratio.