Cationic diiron and diruthenium μ-allenyl complexes: synthesis, X-ray structures and cyclization reactions with ethyldiazoacetate/amine affording unprecedented butenolide- and furaniminium-substituted bridging carbene ligands

Dalton Trans. 2010 Dec 7;39(45):10866-75. doi: 10.1039/c0dt00697a. Epub 2010 Oct 18.


The novel cationic diiron μ-allenyl complexes [Fe(2)Cp(2)(CO)(2)(μ-CO){μ-η(1):η(2)(α,β)-C(α)(H)=C(β)=C(γ)(R)(2)}](+) (R = Me, 4a; R = Ph, 4b) have been obtained in good yields by a two-step reaction starting from [Fe(2)Cp(2)(CO)(4)]. The solid state structures of [4a][CF(3)SO(3)] and of the diruthenium analogues [Ru(2)Cp(2)(CO)(2)(μ-CO){μ-η(1):η(2)(α,β)-C(α)(H)=C(β)=C(γ)(R)(2)}][BPh(4)] (R = Me, [2a][BPh(4)]; R = Ph, [2c][BPh(4)]) have been ascertained by X-ray diffraction studies. The reactions of 2c and 4a with Brønsted bases result in formation of the μ-allenylidene compound [Ru(2)Cp(2)(CO)(2)(μ-CO){μ-η(1):η(1)-C(α)=C(β)=C(γ)(Ph)(2)}] (5) and of the dimetallacyclopentenone [Fe(2)Cp(2)(CO)(μ-CO){μ-η(1):η(3)-C(α)(H)=C(β)(C(γ)(Me)CH(2))C(=O)}] (6), respectively. The nitrile adducts [Ru(2)Cp(2)(CO)(NCMe)(μ-CO){μ-η(1):η(2)-C(α)(H)=C(β)=C(γ)(R)(2)}](+) (R = Me, 7a; R = Ph, 7b), prepared by treatment of 2a,c with MeCN/Me(3)NO, react with N(2)CHCO(2)Et/NEt(3) at room temperature, affording the butenolide-substituted carbene complexes [Ru(2)Cp(2)(CO)(μ-CO){μ-η(1):η(3)-C(α)(H)[upper bond 1 start]C(β)C(γ)(R)(2)OC(=O)C[upper bond 1 end](H)] (R = Me, 10a; R = Ph, 10b). The intermediate cationic compound [Ru(2)Cp(2)(CO)(μ-CO){μ-η(1):η(3)-C(α)(H)[upper bond 1 start]C(β)C(γ)(Me)(2)OC(OEt)C[upper bond 1 end](H)](+) (9) has been detected in the course of the reaction leading to 10a. The addition of N(2)CHCO(2)Et/NHEt(2) to 7a gives the 2-furaniminium-carbene [Ru(2)Cp(2)(CO)(μ-CO){μ-η(1):η(3)-C(α)(H)[upper bond 1 start]C(β)C(γ)(Me)(2)OC(OEt)C[upper bond 1 end](H)](+) (11). The X-ray structures of 10a, 10b and [11][BF(4)] have been determined. The reactions of 4a,b with MeCN/Me(3)NO result in prevalent decomposition to mononuclear iron species.