Coordinated increased expression of Cyclooxygenase2 and nuclear factor κB is a steady feature of urinary bladder carcinogenesis

Adv Urol. 2010:2010:871356. doi: 10.1155/2010/871356. Epub 2010 Aug 23.


Objectives: The inescapable relationship between chronic inflammation and carcinogenesis has long been established. Our objective was to investigate COX-2 and NF-κB immunohistochemical expression in a large series of normal epithelium and bladder carcinomas.

Methods: Immunohistochemical methodology was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections from urinary bladder carcinomas of 140 patients (94 males and 46 females with bladder carcinomas).

Results: COX-2 expression is increased in the cytoplasm of bladder cells, during loss of cell differentiation (r(s) = 0.61, P-value < .001) and in muscle invasive carcinomas (P-value < .001). A strong positive association between tumor grade and nuclear expression of NFκB has been established. A positive correlation between COX-2 and nuclear NFκB immunoreactivity was observed.

Conclusions: The possible coordinated upregulation of NFκB and COX-2, during bladder carcinogenesis, indicates that agents inhibitors of these two molecules may represent a possible new treatment strategy, by virtue of their role in bladder carcinogenesis.