Analysis of MAST-CLA Results as a Diagnostic Tool in Allergic Skin Diseases

Ann Dermatol. 2010 Feb;22(1):35-40. doi: 10.5021/ad.2010.22.1.35. Epub 2010 Feb 28.


Background: Urticaria and atopic dermatitis are representative allergic skin diseases that can be mediated by IgE. Measuring levels of specific IgE can be used to confirm causative agents of these skin diseases.

Objective: To analyze results from the multiple allergosorbent test chemiluminescent assay (MAST-CLA), which measures specific IgE in the presence of a causative agent/allergen, in IgE-mediated skin diseases.

Methods: A total of 404 patients with urticaria, atopic dermatitis or pruritus were enrolled in the present study. Positive rates of specific IgE as well as total serum IgE from the MAST-CLA were compared.

Results: Positive rates of specific IgE were highest in atopic dermatitis patients, followed by urticaria, and then pruritus, with 57.0%, 37.1%, and 20.8%, respectively (p<0.05). House dust mite species were the most common allergens in both atopic dermatitis and urticaria skin diseases. There were no differences in the overall MAST-CLA results between acute and chronic urticaria. The relative positive rate of inhalant allergen was significantly higher in adult than in child atopic dermatitis patients.

Conclusion: Results from the MAST-CLA showed diversity among the three disease groups, and within each disease group, with different positive rates of specific IgE, a different mean allergen number per patient, and so on. Therefore, we concluded that MAST-CLA could be a useful diagnostic tool for various allergic skin diseases.

Keywords: Allergen; Allergic skin diseases; Atopic dermatitis; MAST-CLA; Pruritus; Specific IgE; Urticaria.