Josip Berlot (1895-1975)- from immunology to ecology

Acta Med Hist Adriat. 2008;6(2):215-34.


Born in Rijeka and studied medicine in Vienna, Paris and Prague. He started his medical career in Belgrade State Hospital in 1920 but since 1922 he worked as an assistent at the State Institute of Epidemiology in Zagreb. In 1924 he was sent to USA to specialize in bacteriology, serology and immunology. Back in Zagreb he was engaged in antidiphtheric serum production. Later he became more interested in different aspects of community hygiene. After the World War II he was the Head of Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Zagreb. Later he was appointed as Chief Sanitary Inspector in Zagreb. He was a lecturer in community hygiene at the School of Medicine University of Zagreb. He contributed numerous articles for the Medical Encyclopedia as well as for the Maritime Encyclopedia. He participated actively and lectured at the meetings of the Section for the History of Medicine of the Croatian Medical Association. He published 125 papers, and three of them appeared in the distinguished international scientific journal. He died in 1975 in Zagreb.