Radiation burden of assistant medical technicians at a medical accelerator

J Med Phys. 2008 Oct;33(4):171-4. doi: 10.4103/0971-6203.44480.


A survey of a CLINAC 2100 C medical accelerator showed residual short half-life radiation after switching off the accelerator. This led to a dose of radiation for the medical employees when the patient was handled. The dose rate was measured with a dose rate meter FH40G, and annual dose for an assistant medical technician (AMT) was estimated under conservative conditions. In the assumed situation of 1000 patient treatment fractions with high-energy photons, an AMT would get an annual dose of 960 muSv, while the monthly dosimeter records would show zero, if the dose received is below threshold of 100 muSv.

Keywords: Activation; CLINAC; dose rate; medical accelerator.