Economic evaluation databases as an aid to healthcare decision makers and researchers

Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res. 2005 Dec;5(6):721-32. doi: 10.1586/14737167.5.6.721.


Economic evaluation databases have been developed to assist in setting priorities and facilitating research within the healthcare sector. This paper presents an overview of the major databases of economic evaluations currently available (HEED, NHS EED, the CEA Registry, CODECS, PEDE, EURONHEED and JEED). It describes the key features of each database and the main user groups. It also presents evidence of the value of access to economic evaluation databases, particularly for the researchers and decision makers who form their main target audience. The research available shows that both decision makers and researchers find economic evaluation databases helpful as a source of information. However, database producers may also need to better understand the requirements of their users and consider adaptations to their products.