Supersonic quantum communication

Phys Rev Lett. 2009 Jun 19;102(24):240501. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.240501. Epub 2009 Jun 17.


When locally exciting a quantum lattice model, the excitation will propagate through the lattice. This effect is responsible for a wealth of nonequilibrium phenomena, and has been exploited to transmit quantum information. It is a commonly expressed belief that for local Hamiltonians, any such propagation happens at a finite "speed of sound". Indeed, the Lieb-Robinson theorem states that in spin models, all effects caused by a perturbation are essentially limited to a causal cone. We show that for meaningful translationally invariant bosonic models with nearest-neighbor interactions (addressing the challenging aspect of an experimental realization) this belief is incorrect: We prove that one can encounter accelerating excitations under the natural dynamics that allow for reliable transmission of information faster than any finite speed of sound. It also implies that the simulation of dynamics of strongly correlated bosonic models may be much harder than that of spin chains even in the low-energy sector.