Proximal wrist extensor tendinopathy

Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2008 Mar;1(1):48-52. doi: 10.1007/s12178-007-9005-0.


Proximal wrist extensor tendinopathy, which is also known as tennis elbow, is pain at or just distal to the lateral humeral epicondyle within the proximal wrist extensor tendon. It occurs commonly in certain athletes but can also occur in people with jobs that require repetitive movements of the hand and upper limb. In most cases the tendon involved shows no signs of inflammation or tendonitis, but instead shows fibroblasts, vascular hyperplasia, and disorganized collagen. Diagnosis is often made by history and physical exam alone. Most people respond to conservative measures including activity modification, analgesics, manipulation of tissue, and exercise. In some cases, an injection of corticosteroid or botulinum toxin may be used. Surgery is rarely needed.