Enhanced hydrogen storage by palladium nanoparticles fabricated in a redox-active metal-organic framework

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2009;48(16):2899-903. doi: 10.1002/anie.200805494.


Quick on the uptake: Palladium nanoparticles were fabricated simply by immersing {[Zn(3)(ntb)(2)(EtOH)(2)]4 EtOH}(n) (1) in an MeCN solution of Pd(NO(3))(2) at room temperature, without any extra reducing agent. 3 wt % PdNPs@[1](0.54+)(NO(3)(-))(0.54) significantly increase H(2) uptake capacities, both at 77 K and 1 bar and at 298 K and high pressures (see picture, red curve) compared to [Zn(3)(ntb)(2)](n) (black). ntb = 4,4',4''-nitrilotrisbenzoate.