Effect of simulated rainfall on efficacy and leaching of two formulations of fenamiphos

J Nematol. 1996 Sep;28(3):379-88.


Recoverable fenamiphos in the soil and residue in squash following different simulated rainfall treatments after nematicide application were determined in a 2-year study. Efficacy of fenamiphos also was evaluated. Fenamiphos treatments (3 SC and 15 G) were broadcast (6.7 kg a.i./ha) over plots and incorporated into the top 15 cm of soil immediately before planting 'Dixie Hybrid' squash. Simulated rainfall treatments of 0, 2.5, and 5.0 cm water were applied 1 day after fenamiphos application. Soil samples from 0- to 8-cm, 8- to 15-cm, and 15- to 30-cm soil depths were collected 1 day after the simulated rainfall applications and analyzed for fenamiphos, fenamiphos sulfoxide (FSO), and fenamiphos sulfone (FSO). Squash was analyzed for total fenamiphos residue. Greater concentrations of fenamiphos were present in the 0- to 8-cm soil layer following application of 15 G than 3 SC formulation. Simulated rainfall treatments did not alter fenamiphos concentrations in any soil layer (except for the 0- to 8-cm depth in 1992) or concentration of FSO and total fenamiphos residue in the 15- to 30-cm soil layer. Root-gall indices were greater from untreated than most fenamiphos-treated plots, but were not affected by formulations of fenamiphos or simulated rainfall treatments. Concentrations of total residue in squash ranged from 1 to 4 mug FSO/g.

Keywords: Cucurbita melopepo; Meloidogyne incognita; efficacy; fenamiphos; leaching; management; nematicide; nematode; root-knot; root-knot nematode; squash.