Demonstration of x-ray Thomson scattering using picosecond K-alpha x-ray sources in the characterization of dense heated matter

Rev Sci Instrum. 2008 Oct;79(10):10E739. doi: 10.1063/1.2965778.


We present K-alpha x-ray Thomson scattering from shock compressed matter for use as a diagnostic in determining the temperature, density, and ionization state with picosecond resolution. The development of this source as a diagnostic as well as stringent requirements for successful K-alpha x-ray Thomson scattering are addressed. Here, the first elastic and inelastic scattering measurements on a medium size laser facility have been observed. We present scattering data from solid density carbon plasmas with >1x10(5) photons in the elastic peak that validate the capability of single shot characterization of warm dense matter and the ability to use this scattering source at future free electron lasers and for fusion experiments at the National Ignition Facility (NIF), LLNL.