Correlation-driven heavy-fermion formation in LiV2O4

Phys Rev Lett. 2007 Oct 19;99(16):167402. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.167402. Epub 2007 Oct 19.


Optical reflectivity measurements were performed on a single crystal of the d-electron heavy-fermion (HF) metal LiV2O4. Our results evidence the highly incoherent charge dynamics above T* approximately 20 K and the redistribution of the spectral weight of the optical conductivity over broad energy scales ( approximately 5 eV) as the quantum coherence of the charge carriers is recovered. This reveals that LiV2O4 is close to a correlation-driven insulating state and indicates that, in sharp contrast to f-electron HF Kondo-lattice systems, strong electronic correlation effects dominate the heavy quasiparticle formation in LiV2O4.