Spontaneous and induced dynamic correlations in glass formers. II. Model calculations and comparison to numerical simulations

J Chem Phys. 2007 May 14;126(18):184504. doi: 10.1063/1.2721555.


We study in detail the predictions of various theoretical approaches, in particular, mode-coupling theory (MCT) and kinetically constrained models (KCMs), concerning the time, temperature, and wave vector dependence of multipoint correlation functions that quantify the strength of both induced and spontaneous dynamical fluctuations. We also discuss the precise predictions of MCT concerning the statistical ensemble and microscopic dynamics dependence of these multipoint correlation functions. These predictions are compared to simulations of model fragile and strong glass-forming liquids. Overall, MCT fares quite well in the fragile case, in particular, explaining the observed crucial role of the statistical ensemble and microscopic dynamics, while MCT predictions do not seem to hold in the strong case. KCMs provide a simplified framework for understanding how these multipoint correlation functions may encode dynamic correlations in glassy materials. However, our analysis highlights important unresolved questions concerning the application of KCMs to supercooled liquids.