Tetraaquabis(5-carboxy-2-nitrobenzoato-kappaO)manganese(II) dihydrate: a metal-water chain complex containing cyclic water tetramers

Acta Crystallogr C. 2007 Mar;63(Pt 3):m117-9. doi: 10.1107/S0108270106056010. Epub 2007 Feb 17.


In the title complex, [Mn(C(8)H(4)NO(6))(2)(H(2)O)(4)] x 2H(2)O, cyclic water tetramers forming one-dimensional metal-water chains have been observed. The water clusters are trapped by the co-operative association of coordination interactions and hydrogen bonds. The Mn(II) ion resides on a center of symmetry and is in an octahedral coordination environment comprising two O atoms from two 5-carboxy-2-nitrobenzoate ligands and four O atoms from water molecules.