Diffusion equations for a Markovian jumping process

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2006 Aug;74(2 Pt 1):021103. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.74.021103. Epub 2006 Aug 4.


We consider a Markovian jumping process which is defined in terms of the jump-size distribution and the waiting-time distribution with a position-dependent frequency, in the diffusion limit. We assume the power-law form for the frequency. For small steps, we derive the Fokker-Planck equation and show the presence of the normal diffusion, subdiffusion, and superdiffusion. For the Lévy distribution of the step size, we construct a fractional equation, which possesses a variable coefficient, and solve it in the diffusion limit. Then we calculate fractional moments and define the fractional diffusion coefficient as a natural extension to the cases with the divergent variance. We also solve the master equation numerically and demonstrate that there are deviations from the Lévy stable distribution for large wave numbers.