Reversible three-state switching of luminescence: a new twist to electro- and photochromic behavior

J Am Chem Soc. 2006 Sep 27;128(38):12412-3. doi: 10.1021/ja064423y.


The fully reversible three-state blue/red/off emission from photo-/electrochromic substituted bis-thiaxanthylidenes is reported. The blue luminescence of the most stable (anti-folded) conformer of dimethyl- and dimethoxy-bis-thiaxanthylidene can be switched off by photochemical conversion to the meta-stable (syn-folded) conformer and switched on again by thermal reversion to the anti-folded state. The red luminescence of the bis-thiaxanthylium dication can be switched on by oxidation at approximately 1.0 and 1.2 V vs SCE of the syn- and anti-folded conformers respectively and switched off or to blue by reduction at approximately 0.35 V vs SCE.