Hybrid polyoxotungstates as second-generation POM-based catalysts for microwave-assisted H2O2 activation

Org Lett. 2006 Aug 17;8(17):3671-4. doi: 10.1021/ol061197o.


[structure: see text] Organic-inorganic hybrids synthesized from lacunary polyoxotungstates (POMs) have been screened as oxidation catalysts with H2O2 under MW irradiation. Yields up to 99% have been obtained in 25-50 min depending both on the POM structure and on the organic moiety. The reaction scope, optimized with the best performing catalyst [gamma-SiW10O36(PhPO)2]4-, includes epoxidation of terminal and internal double bonds, alcohol oxidation, and sulfoxidation, as well as oxygen transfer to electron-deficient substrates as chalcone, ketones, and sulfoxides.