Apparent violation of the radiant exposure reciprocity law in interline CCDs

Appl Opt. 2006 Jun 10;45(17):3991-7. doi: 10.1364/ao.45.003991.


We analyze in detail the apparent violation of the reciprocity law that occurs for an interline CCD array owing to its responsivity that varies with exposure time, and we investigate other parameters having an influence on this variation, such as the numerical aperture of the system or the illumination wavelength. The variation can be explained from a qualitative point of view by the charge leakage that occurs from the sense region to the register region during readout time. This change of the responsivity can be avoided either by using a synchronized external shutter or by limiting the numerical aperture while keeping relatively high exposure times. A detailed characterization for each particular CCD model must be carried out if it is to be employed in low-uncertainty radiometric measurements.