Laue orientation imaging

J Synchrotron Radiat. 1997 Mar 1;4(Pt 2):95-101. doi: 10.1107/S090904959601432X.


Advantage was taken of the highly focused X-ray beam (10-30 microm) and the broad white spectrum of synchrotron X-rays at the ESRF for automatic recording of Laue patterns from polycrystals and extraction of orientation information. The procedure used is similar to that applied for electron-backscattering patterns in the scanning electron microscope and provides data for local orientation mapping used in texture analysis. Laue patterns are obtained from a thin slice of material in transmission and recorded with a CCD detector. The Laue geometry is converted into a gnomonic projection in which co-zonal reflections lie on straight lines. On applying the Hough transform these lines are merged into a single point, which is recognized by the computer and assigned zone indices [uvw] by comparison with a table of interzonal angles. From the angular positions of several [uvw] the crystal orientation is calculated. The method is illustrated for the orthorhombic magnesium silicate olivine.