Association between insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and coeliac disease. A study on 175 diabetes patients

Minerva Gastroenterol Dietol. 1998 Mar;44(1):1-5.


Background: The association between diabetes mellitus and coeliac disease has been known for many years. In a random group of 175 insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients of varying ages the following tests have been carried out: serum antigliadin antibodies (AGA) of IgA and IgG class, antireticulin antibodies (ARA) and antiendomisyum antibodies (AEA), both of IgA class.

Materials and methods: The patients, 85 males and 90 females, had ages ranging from 1 yr to 30 yrs (102 in paediatric age--mainly between 6 and 14 years--and 73 adults). Patients with pathological values for AEA and/or ARA underwent an intestinal biopsy.

Results: Out of 175 patients studied, 21 had pathological values for AEA with or without pathological values for ARA and AGA, and 2 patients had only pathological values for ARA. 23 patients (21 with pathological values for AEA with or without ARA and AGA, 2 only for ARA ) underwent intestinal biopsy, all patients with pathological values for AEA had villous atrophy. The prevalence of coeliac disease among IDDM patients was 8.8% (95% CI 3.3 to 14.3) for the children and 16.4% (95% CI 7.9 to 24.9) for the adults. In patients with mucous atrophy, ARA, AGA IgA and IgG were pathological in 85%, 71% and 61% respectively. Symptoms and insulin requirements in all patients affected by coeliac disease before and after one year on a gluten free diet were also evaluated. The patients had clinical features with prevalently one or only few atypical symptoms which disappeared on a gluten free diet. Insulin requirements after one year on a gluten free diet appeared unchanged in coeliac patients.

Conclusions: The need to screen all diabetic patients for coeliac disease is underlined.