Evidence for interfacial-storage anomaly in nanocomposites for lithium batteries from first-principles simulations

Phys Rev Lett. 2006 Feb 10;96(5):058302. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.058302. Epub 2006 Feb 9.


We present theoretical support for a mass storage anomaly proposed for nanocomposites in the context of lithium batteries which forms the transition between an electrostatic capacitive mechanism and an electrode mechanism. Ab initio atomic and electronic structure calculations, performed on the Ti(0001)/Li2O(111) model interface, indicate the validity of the phenomenological model of interfacial Li storage and provide a deeper insight into the local situation. Beyond the specific applicability to storage devices, the possibility of a two-phase effect on mass storage generally highlights the availability of novel degrees of freedom in materials research when dealing with nanocomposites.