Fast computation of the narcissus reflection coefficient for the Herschel far-infrared/submillimeter-wave Cassegrain telescope

Appl Opt. 2005 Oct 1;44(28):5947-55. doi: 10.1364/ao.44.005947.


Placement of a scatter cone at the center of the secondary of a Cassegrain telescope greatly reduces Nareissus reflection. To calculate the remaining Narcissus reflection, a time-consuming physical optics code/such as GRASP8 is often used to model the effects of reflection and diffraction. Fortunately, the Cassegrain geometry is sufficiently simple that a combination of theoretical analysis and Fourier propagation can yield rapid, accurate results at submillimeter wavelengths. We compare these results with those from GRASP8 for the heterodyne instrument for the far-infrared on the Herschel Space Observatory and confirm the effectiveness of the chosen scatter cone design.