Multiple bosonic mode coupling in the electron self-energy of (La2-xSrx)CuO4

Phys Rev Lett. 2005 Sep 9;95(11):117001. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.117001. Epub 2005 Sep 6.


High resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy data along the (0,0)-(pi,pi) nodal direction with significantly improved statistics reveal fine structure in the electron self-energy of the underdoped (La2-xSrx)CuO4 samples in the normal state. Fine structure at energies of (40-46) meV and (58-63) meV, and possible fine structure at energies of (23-29) meV and (75-85) meV, have been identified. These observations indicate that, in (La2-xSrx)CuO4, more than one bosonic modes are involved in the coupling with electrons.