C1 C70F38 contains four planar aromatic hexagons; the parallel between fluorination of [60]- and [70]fullerenes

Org Lett. 2005 May 12;7(10):1975-8. doi: 10.1021/ol050441t.


The main C(1) isomer of C(70)F(38) is shown by single-crystal X-ray analysis to contain four planar aromatic hexagons and four isolated C=C bonds, has two fluorines on the equator, and is related to C(2) C(70)F(38) by means of three 1,3-fluorine shifts. The C(1) and C(2) isomers thus parallel the T and C(3)/C(1) isomers of C(60)F(36) in containing three and four aromatic rings, respectively, and in the fluorine shift relationship.