A brief comparative study of four disposable bubble oxygenators

Cardiovasc Dis. 1981 Jun;8(2):259-262.


Four widely used bubble oxygenators-the Optiflo I, the Bentley Q 200 A, the Harvey 200, and the Shiley 100 A-were tested and compared in 182 patients undergoing cardiac valve surgery. Fifty-six cases were performed with normothermia and 126 cases incorporated mild hypothermia (28-30 degrees C). There was no significant difference in the average age of the patients (51 yrs) or the perfusion time (60 min). All components of the extracorporeal circuit were identical, and anesthetic regimens and surgical techniques were also similar. In this study, the Shiley 100 A oxygenator was found to be the most suitable for cases requiring mild hypothermia and was generally considered to be the oxygenator of choice.