The Influence of Chemical Genetics on Plant Science: Shedding Light on Functions and Mechanism of Action of Brassinosteroids Using Biosynthesis Inhibitors

J Plant Growth Regul. 2003 Dec;22(4):336-349. doi: 10.1007/s00344-003-0065-0. Epub 2003 Dec 18.


When exogenous chemicals allow rapid, conditional, reversible, selective, and dose-dependent control of biological functions, they act like conditional mutations, either inducing or suppressing the formation of a specific phenotype of interest. Exploration of the small molecules that induce the brassinosteroid (BR) deficient-like phenotype in Arabidopsis led us to identify brassinazole as the first candidate for a BR biosynthesis inhibitor. Brassinazole treatment reduced BR content in plant cells. Investigation of target site(s) of brassinazole revealed that the compound directly binds to the DWF4 protein, a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase that catalyzes 22-hydroxylation of the side chain of BRs. These results suggest that brassinazole is a BR biosynthesis inhibitor. There are currently at least two BR biosynthesis inhibitors that act like conditional mutations in BR biosynthesis. They allow the investigation of the functions of BRs in a variety of plant species. Application of BR biosynthesis inhibitors to a standard genetic screen to identify mutants that confer resistance to these inhibitors allowed the identification of new components working in BR signal transduction. This method has advantages over mutant screens using BR-deficient mutants as a background. Development of chemicals that induce phenotypes of interest is now emerging as a useful way to study biological systems in plants and this would be a complement to classical biochemical and genetic methods.