Intramuscular hypoperfusion, adrenergic receptors, and chronic muscle pain

J Pain. 2002 Aug;3(4):251-60. doi: 10.1054/jpai.2002.125923.


Despite a high prevalence of chronic muscle pain disorders such as fibromyalgia and regional myofascial pain, there is still limited knowledge about the factors that initiate and perpetuate these pain states. Although there are also likely to be downstream neuropathic changes in the central nervous system and spinal cord that sustain and exacerbate the pain states known as fibromyalgia, the focus of this critical review is on studies that examined the connection between both fibromyalgia and regional myofascial pain and sympathetic function. Specifically, we looked at studies that described Raynaud-like symptoms, cardiovascular dysfunction and altered intramuscular perfusion in chronic muscle pain. Our analysis showed that although the first 2 phenomena were intermittently present, a prominent and consistent feature for regional myofascial pain and to a lesser degree for fibromyalgia was intramuscular hypoperfusion. Several hypotheses can be offered why this hypoperfusion exists, and additional studies comparing and contrasting these theories are needed. This review focuses on one of these theories, namely, agonist-induced beta-adrenergic receptor desensitization as an explanatory model for hypoperfusion. What cannot be done at this time and is needed in the future is to compare and contrast to what degree the regional muscle pain disorder (myofascial) is similar or different from the more generalized disorder (fibromyalgia).