Biological versus psychometric intelligence: Halstead's (1947) distinction revisited

Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2000 Apr;15(3):205-26.


This article reports an investigation into the empirical status of a little understood cognitive factor-tactile-kinesthetic ability. To this end, a variety of haptic tasks, including three subtests of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery (HRB), were administered to 108 participants, along with established markers commonly employed in contemporary psychometric investigations. The results suggest that these subtests of the HRB measure cognitive abilities conceptually equivalent to fluid intelligence. Since these tests reflect efforts to operationalize Halstead's (1947) concept of "biological intelligence," the results reported herein allow evaluation of this concept in relation to current models of human intelligence. Previous studies investigating the nature of abilities assessed by the HRB have reached contradictory conclusions. Present findings clarify the source of these anomalies.