Central pseudorapidity gaps in events with a leading antiproton at the fermilab tevatron pp collider

Phys Rev Lett. 2003 Jul 4;91(1):011802. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.011802. Epub 2003 Jul 3.


We report a measurement of the fraction of events with a large pseudorapidity gap deltaeta within the pseudorapidity region available to the proton dissociation products X in p+p-->p+X. For a final state p of fractional momentum loss xi(p) and 4-momentum transfer squared t(p) within 0.06<xi(p)<0.09 and |t(p)|<1.0 [0.2] GeV2 at sqrt[s]=1800 [630] GeV, the fraction of events with deltaeta>3 is found to be 0.246+/-0.001 (stat)+/-0.042 (syst) [0.184+/-0.001 (stat)+/-0.043 (syst)]. Our results are compared with gap fractions measured in minimum bias pp collisions and with theoretical expectations.